On January 27, 2022, the DOJ announced that the United States filed a civil lawsuit against a Philadelphia-based pharmacy and pharmacist.
The Complaint can be found below. The United States alleges that this civil lawsuit was brought to hold the pharmacy and its then-owner/pharmacist accountable for the illegal dispensing of controlled substances, including opioids, and fraud on Medicare and other federal health care programs.
According to the Complaint, the pharmacy is alleged to have been the top retail pharmacy purchaser of oxycodone in the entire state of Pennsylvania, creating a destructive enterprise that illegally dispensed unparalleled quantities of opioids and other controlled substances into the community. The Complaint further alleges that the pharmacy prioritized profits over patients, dispensing these risky and addictive drugs despite numerous red flags suggestive of diversion – such as opioids in extreme doses, dangerous combinations of opioids and other “cocktail” drugs preferred by those addicted, excessive cash payments for the drugs, and other signs that the pills were being diverted for illegal purposes. Lastly, the Complaint alleges that to avoid scrutiny from the drug distributors that sold the pharmacy the pills, false statements were made to maintain the façade of legitimacy.
The Complaint asserts causes of action under the Controlled Substances and False Claims Acts.
The Complaint contains allegations only that the United States must prove if the case proceeds to trial.